Ion engine emissions are mildly radioactive, and technicians who work on vital ion engine components often wear protective gear. This radioactive byproduct has led to a common landing protocol: when in an atmosphere, a ship relies on its cleaner repulsorlifts for the majority of its propulsion. Once in orbital space, where repulsorlifts become ineffective, a ship switches to its more powerful sublight drives. In order to leave system, a ship must use its hyperdrive to travel at superluminal velocities.——Databank离子引擎射流有轻微放射性,因此维护关键离子引擎部件的技师常穿防护服。这种放射性副作用促成了一条通行的降落准则:在大气层中时,一艘飞船依靠较为清洁的反重力装置作为主要的推进力来源。一旦进入反重力装置失效的轨道空间,飞船才切换到更强大的亚光速驱动器。为了离开行星系,一艘飞船必须使用超空间驱动器超越光速。——Databank
Ion engines emitted mildly radioactive byproducts, requiring onboard technicians to wear protective gear. Because of this radioactivity, and the disabling effects that ions had on electronics and electrical systems, it was common protocol for most ships to utilize repulsorlifts for propulsion during atmospheric flight and reserve use of the more powerful ion drives for orbital navigation.
对此有人可能会问了,既然这么牛的亚光速引擎在大气层里用不了,不还是只能用反重力装置亚音速飞行?答案是否定的。在看到第一组图片时细心的人肯定发现了“higher speeds possible with deflector shields on”的字句。那么让我们查询一下伍基百科上对于“偏导护盾”这一科技的词条:
Deflector shields, also known as deflector screens, deflectorsor simply shields, were translucent or transparent energy fields produced by deflector shield generators. These generators could be placed on planets, droids, starships, space stations and individual buildings. The primary purpose of the shield was to block or deflect projectiles and lasers from hitting the object under protection. They could also provide a significant atmospheric speed boost, in some cases 36 times the speed of sound.
For atmospheric flight and during landings and takeoffs, starfighters carried repulsorlift engines as a secondary means of propulsion. Because sublight engines' exhaust was hot and mildly radioactive, using them while inside an inhabited world's atmosphere was generally illegal.When the need was dire though a starfighter could use their sublight engines for extra speed during atmospheric flight, even flying at maximum acceleration as during the attack on Pandem Nai. While starfighters could function in an atmosphere at such speeds, it put tremendous strain on the ships and the pilots themselves. Systems would start to fail after just several minutes of such velocities, and laser cannons were at risk of melting from the heat generated by these maneuvers.Starfighters equipped with deflector shields could use them help smooth their passage through and allow for greater control when operating in an atmosphere.Deflector shields could also allow starfighters like the ARC-170 and V-wing to achieve hypersonic velocities in an atmosphere.